NT motion classification:
Distance Education & Communications

That ICPA NT requests the NT Department of Education to ensure all Geographically Isolated students receive a laptop at no cost to the families, through Katherine School of the Air. Either through the form of a bond, or no cost.


The costs associated with setting up a Geographically Isolated school room include compulsory costs, as per the Katherine School of the Air enrolment and essential costs associated with the reality of living in a Geographically Isolated area. These costs obviously fluctuate between each enrolment, but it is an overwhelming process. For example, purchasing and installing internet hardware, age-appropriate tables and chairs for students and staff. Classroom consumables not supplied by the school, i.e. Folders, Stapler, Extra Art & Craft supplies, especially Early Years, STEM Resources, storage, Brain Break Resources and extra sporting equipment. 

It is considered compulsory for a School of the Air online student to attend each online lesson, to ensure their attendance is recorded. To meet full engagement with the School of the Air learning program. Therefore the NT Department of Education should deem Laptops an essential material item for Distance Education students and supply them at no cost.